I know it has become a routine me apologising and getting back to square. It’s been an extremely busy start to the year and I 'm barely managing to keep the ends from snapping. You've all been such amazing dolls It really just wants me to make up to u
guys more.
Have you ever felt like you're almost failing?
Like you've done nothing right, nothing right enough, not even close.
Yes? Well, here is a virtual hug from someone who feels the same.
I've been feeling this now way more than ever.
It's been a year of almost failing.I like to believe that this is what successful people feel before they succeed.
I am quite the optimist. I know.
I need to tell you this. You(s).
If your anger was a black dagger stabbed at the back of your neck,
I would understand and let you keep it there.
If your indifference was a star in the sky,
I'd make a wish on it every night for you.
If your jealousy was a white flag you're hiding at war with yourself,
I will never want you to surrender.
I won't change you for the better.
My love for you won't falter.
But I will.
I like this feeling. It's familiar. Almost nostalgic, yet novel in some ways
Moonmun :)